Information materials on persons living with disabilities
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) is committed to ensuring that all our students and staff are treated equitably. Though there exists some entrenched ways of supporting students with a wide range light impairments, recent legislations and international conventions have required that the University improves yet further upon our provision and reappraise all our practices to ensure that they not unintentionally discriminatory or present unnecessary barriers to PWDs.
The University is committed to working towards understanding and applying the Social Model of Disability, thereby not focusing on an individual’s medical condition or impairment, but instead identifying the impact of Disability in the structural, organizational, physical and attitudinal barriers that prohibit disabled people from achieving equality and inclusion of their needs, rights and requirements. DeKUT developed and promulgated the 1st Disability Mainstreaming Policy in 2010 and later revised in 2017. This policy is an effort to align disability concerns with national legislation and policy documents including, SDGs, United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD), Persons with Disabilities Act 2003, Kenya’s Vision 2030 and the Constitution of Kenya (2010).The University seeks to re-align itself to the changes that occurred upon its being Charter as a fully-fledged University and at the same time to national and global changes in the higher education landscape. For more inquiries visit us here
The University is striving to create a framework to ensure that DeKUT offers a supportive environment for all members of the University community. The University’s commitment to all PWDs (students, staff and visitors) is having an enabling environment that will foster University –led and University specific strategies to make a deliberate effort to ensure that Persons with Disabilities are accorded equal opportunities in all spheres their University of life. This means ensuring that disabled person have a voice in the future development of the university community, that they are able to benefit from the new opportunities that the said developments brings, have access to the resources needed and share in a higher education. For this purpose the DeKUT has established the University Disability mainstreaming Committee, whose overall objective being to address the social, cultural and economic disadvantages experienced by many persons with disabilities. This is done by mainstreaming disability in all University’s policies and programmes.
Specific Objectives of the Committee include :-
- To sensitize all the members of the DeKUT community on matters pertaining to Disability in order to galvanize their personal commitment and engagement with the mainstreaming agenda.
- To make appropriate adjustments to all University physical structures policies, practices and environment to ensure that PWDs (students, employees or visitors) can participate equally and without exclusion in the workplace, training rooms, all other social and sporting facilities.
- Reviewing all DeKUT programs and services to ensure that they are designed to be inclusive, equitable and non-discriminatory, and do not create barriers or reinforce the negative effects of disability.
- Mainstreaming the policy formulation process to ensure equal and cross gender participation at all levels by PWDs in the University.
These objectives are in line with the University’s vision and mission as stated here below:
- Vision, To be a premier technological university excelling in Quality training research and technology transfer.
- Mission, To provide an academically stimulating, diverse, quality learning environment that engenders research, innovation and technology development towards producing leaders to contribute to attainment of national development goals.
Thank you and welcome to this University Disability Portal